
Pr, Feb 1, 2016 17:31

Congratulations to the "Business Informatics" graduates Kristīne Cjaputa and Dmitrijs Kozlovs!
The graduation ceremony will be held on February 5, 13:00 in RTU Small Hall, Kaļķu-1.

Pr, Dec 31, 2018 15:07

Business Informatics students will defend their thesis on Friday, January 22, Daugavgrivas-2/546, 13:00-14:00.
Dmitrijs Kozlovs Thesis: Information Security Auditing Methods for Information Flows in Business Processes. (closed defense)
Kristine Cjaputa Thesis: Business Processes Based Introduction of Security Aspects in Enterprise Architecture. ..

Ce, Jan 14, 2016 15:33

Pirmdien, 18. janvārī visi interesenti ir laipni aicināti konsultēties ar studiju programmas „Biznesa Informātika” direktori Mārīti Kirikovu Daugavgrīvas ielā 2, 546/548 kab. Pieņemšanas laiks no 15:00 līdz 21:00. Vēlams pieteikties iepriekš, rakstot uz e-pasta adresi bi@rtu.lv.

Ot, Dec 29, 2015 17:37

University of Washington sholarhips apply also for Baltic countries. More details here:


Pr, Dec 21, 2015 18:25

Ziemas uzņemšana no 11. līdz 29. janvārim!

Vairāk informācijas meklē šeit.

Kā arī neaizmirsti pārbaudīt laikus, vai ir visas nepieciešamās priekšzināšanas!

Pk, Jan 29, 2016 19:57

Lecture timetable for fall semester you can find here!

Pr, Dec 21, 2015 18:25

Guest lecture by Jens Myrup Pedersen, Aalborg University, Denmark

18:15, December 15, 2015

Daugavgrivas 2, Auditorium 515



Jens Myrup Pedersen is associate professor at Aalborg University, Department of Electrical Engineering, The Faculty of Engineering and Science. His research interests focus on network security and malware detection using machine learning. Moreover he is active in developing and implementing new and innovative teaching methods, e.g., through the coordination of an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership. 



The presentation will introduce fundamentals of cybercrime and botnets, and discuss both technical aspects and the underlying business models. After this introduction we will go through some of the technical countermeasures, and also discuss how the threats can be handled through awareness and understanding of Internet security in all levels of an organisation. Eventually we will look at ongoing research and future challenges.


Pk, Okt 30, 2015 20:35

Intensīvais kurss Datortīkli no 10.novembra, 2015

Nodarbību tēmas ir sekojošas:

1.nodarbība. Ievads datortīklos – OSI modelis

2.nodarbība. Local Area Network (LAN)

3.nodarbība. Wide Area Network (WAN)

4.nodarbība. Internet

5.nodarbība. Protocols in computer networks

6.nodarbība. Computer network security

7.nodarbība. Computer network management

8.nodarbība. Wireless communication

9.nodarbība. Eksāmens

Pirmā nodarbība notiks 10.11.2015., otrdien, plkst.17.00., Daugavgrīvas 2, 353. auditorijā. 


Nodarbības notiks otrdienās un trešdienās.

Pk, Okt 9, 2015 14:03

On October 26, Darius Silingas from No Magic will tell how to capture specific knowledge of enterprise business architecture using model-based approach and use it for driving innovation of the business processes.

This Knowledge Management Systems guest lecture will take place at Visma Enterprise Latvia, Kronvalda bulvaris 3/5, 18:15-21:30

For more information, see here!

Pk, Okt 9, 2015 13:00

Free online course on fundamentals of business process management https://moocs.qut.edu.au/learn/fundamentals-of-bpm-october-2015