
Thu, Nov 17, 2016 15:03

The precondition course in Computer networks will start on November 28, 2016 at 18:00, Daugavgrivas-2, auditorium 351.

More information: http://bi.rtu.lv/eng/content/preconditions

Fri, Sep 2, 2016 16:40

Please pay attention to the changed lecture schedule for the next week (September 5-9).

See the schedule here.

Wed, Aug 17, 2016 19:43

The new study year starts on September 1. The lectures start at 18:15.

Before lectures, there will be a kick-off meeting for new entrants at 17:00, Daugavgrīvas 2, auditorim 546.

Wed, Sep 28, 2016 16:14

There are changes in the autumn schedule. These changes will allow students to choose the new concentration on IS Security already starting with Fall 2016.

Lecture timetable - Fall 2016



Tue, Jul 12, 2016 16:51


The next date for the test is planned to be August 23, 2016. To apply to the test please contact course lecturers (egons.lavendelis@rtu.lv, ilze.andersone@rtu.lv)! Before taking the test both laboratory works should be submitted.


Computer Networks:

For students who attended classes: The final mark is formed from two tasks from each course part. To successfully pass this course, both tasks must be completed before task deadline.

For extramural students: The final mark will formed from both tasks and final exam. Final exam is being held on August 24, 2016.

Answers from both tasks must be sent to eriks.klavins@rtu.lv before August 24.

Sun, Jul 10, 2016 19:51

Summer admission for local students: July 4 -- August 26, 2016

Vasaras uzņemšana 2016./2017.st.g. notiks no 4. jūlija līdz 26. augustam.

Lūdzu, pārbaudiet laicīgi, vai Jums ir visas nepieciešamās priekšzināšanas!

Wed, Jul 27, 2016 15:37

On June 17, 2016 the Council of Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology has decided to extend the Business Informatics program with

two new e-subjects: limited choce specialization subjects Network Security Requirements 3 ECTS (teacher - Jens Murup Pedersen, Denmark) and Information Systems Security Engineering 6 ECTS (teacher - Raimundas Matulevicius, Estonia);

and two new humanitarian subjects of Riga Business School: Leadership 6 ECTS and Personal Career Development 6 ECTS.


Sun, Jul 10, 2016 19:59

Recently we had several questions on how the international students can acquire the precondition courses. Here is the explanation.

The mandatory pre-condition courses for entering the program are Higher Matehematics, Computer Networks, and Databases. If students are missing any of these subjects in their previous education - in general, they must acquire them before starting studies in the Business Inforamtics program. We offer all of these courses as distance learning ones, and anybody can acquire them as an RTU guest student. There are different price options that are described in http://bi.rtu.lv/eng/content/preconditions (see different pre-condition course types).

For making things easier for the international students that have to pass the precondition courses, we do the following exceptions:

1) Students can be accepted for the program before actually passing of the precondition courses if they provide a written confimation to RTU FSD that they will take the precondition courses before actual start of the program or according to the rules described in Point 3 below.

2) Students can take final exams in pre-condition courses upon their arrival in Riga: we can see the student progress in the courses. If the assignemnts are done - the examination can be post-poned to the arrival time. If assignments are not done, this is considered as a violation of the agreement.

3) Taking into consideration, that we have the admission twice per year the following simplications can be done:

a) to start studies in September: Databases and Computer networks should be taken in advance, however Higher Mathematics can be taken in parallel with the actual studies in the program with the final exam no later than January of the next year;

b) to start studies in January: Higher Mathematics should be taken in advance, but Computer Networks and Databased can be taken in parallel with the actual studies in the program with the final exam no later than in August.

Thu, Jun 2, 2016 16:17

The precondition course in Computer Networks will start on June 27, 2016. Time and place: 18:00, Daugavgrivas-2, room 353.

More information you can find here: http://bi.rtu.lv/eng/content/preconditions

Mon, May 30, 2016 16:25

The graduation ceremony for Institute of Applied Computer Systems students will be on June 27, Kalku-1 Great Hall, 11:00.