
Thu, Apr 26, 2012 17:39

Latvian Scholarships for studies in Latvian Higher Education Institutions in the 2012/2013 academic year http://izm.izm.gov.lv/ministry/scolarship/8394.html

Thu, Mar 22, 2012 17:21

IBM invites students to test their abilities in the Business Consultant competition

15 March 2012, Vilnius. IT company IBM Lietuva invites students in the fields of business, economics, IT, and computer science to participate in the Business Run competition of IT consultants. The competition was organized already two times in Lithuania and has been of great interest among local students in the past. It is the first time Business Run is going international and will be attended by representatives of all Baltic countries.

More information you can get here.


Thu, Dec 29, 2011 17:57

Photos with Business Informatics' students you can see here.

Wed, Oct 5, 2011 07:12

Today, October 5, 2011, in the course Enterprie Architecture and Requirements Engineering, the guest lecturer from the University of Rostock prof. Kurt Sandkuhl will deliver lecture on Information Logistics .

Location: Meža street 1/4 -529

Time:  18:15

Tue, Aug 30, 2011 20:26

You can take some Business Informatics courses outside the program. The list of courses is available here http://bi.rtu.lv/sites/bi.rtu.lv/files/prieksmetu_saraksts_papildapgusanai_2011_rudens.pdf

Foreign students shall assign for them via RTU Fereign Students Department, local students  - via RTU Tālākizglītības nodaļa.

Preference will be given to students who intend to apply for Business Informatics and those who come under the inter-institutional agreements.

The application deadline for individual courses is 12:00 on September 5, 2011.