
Thu, Dec 20, 2012 16:51

Exam schedule for those who don't know yet (download)!

Thu, Dec 13, 2012 17:18

Now in our homepage you can find timetable for spring semester.

1st year students' schedule is here.

But 2nd year students' schedule is here.

Tue, Jan 27, 2015 18:36

Admission of local (Latvia) students starts on January 7, 2013

More information you can find here.


Tue, Dec 11, 2012 14:16

Opportunity for new scientists to apply for Society in Science The Branco Weiss Fellowship.

Closing date: February 1, 2013.


More information you can find here.               



Tue, Nov 20, 2012 11:50

Now you can find video about past and nowadays of RTU in our homepage.


Mon, Nov 12, 2012 12:27

Start of the pre-condition course on Computer Networks moved to November 20! Mor info you can find here.

Fri, Nov 2, 2012 06:23

The pre-condition course on Computer Networks starts on November 19! http://bi.rtu.lv/eng/content/preconditions

Thu, Nov 1, 2012 13:21

You can get scholarships from Japan.japan.jpg

More information (in Latvian) - http://www.rtu.lv/content/view/8019/1659/lang,lv/


Mon, Oct 29, 2012 20:07

A “Future History” of Content Management at


Tue, Oct 23, 2012 09:06

The deadleine for current winter admission of foreign students is November 1, 2012. Do not be late!